
The Endowment

Established through the generosity of trustees, Old Boys, parents, and friends of St. Bernard’s School, the income from the following established funds provides support for scholarship, faculty, and educational programs.

If you would like to make an online gift to an established fund, please contact Liz Horsmon at

Funds for Students

List of 14 items.

  • The Breit Scholarship Fund

    Provides scholarship assistance on an annual basis.

  • The Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund

    Established in 2022, the Class of 1971 Fund provides general scholarship assistance. This fund was created in honor of their 50th-year reunion with leadership contributions from Ephraim Greenwall, Jamie Kempner, and Archie van Beuren.
  • The Edward Roberts Memorial Fund

    Established in 1981, provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The Fund for Minority Scholarships

    Established in 1989, provides extra support for minority scholarship students.

  • The Herbert and Yolande Scheftel Fund

    Established with a bequest in 2006, provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The Jenkins Prize & Scholarship Fund

    Provides general scholarship assistance and a prize for a boy in eighth grade who has achieved a good record, improving most faithfully against difficulties.

  • The Jonathan Dixon Memorial Fund

    Provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The S. Pope Babcock '88 Fund

    Established in his memory in 1999 by his family and friends, provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The Scholarship Fund in honor of Betty Ketner

    Established in her honor in 2002 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Marron, provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The Special Assistance Fund

    Established in 1989, provides extra support for scholarship students of color.
  • The Suzannah R. Wilkie Memorial Scholarship Fund

    Established in 1979, provides general scholarship assistance

  • The Tabor Memorial Fund

    Provides scholarship assistance to a student in the eighth grade and also provides a prize watch to the eighth grade student who has the highest marks on a set of examinations.

  • The Westgate Scholarship Fund

    Provides general scholarship assistance.

  • The William Randolph Hearst Scholarship Fund

    Provides general scholarship assistance.

— Grandfather of current student

“With so many friends who attended St. Bernard’s, I’ve always had the highest regard for this school.  Now that I see the school through my grandson’s eyes, I have an even deeper appreciation for its excellence and beloved traditions.”

Funds for Faculty

List of 17 items.

  • The Endeavor Fund for Faculty Development

    Established in 1999, provides support for the development of innovative teaching methods and curricular modifications by the faculty, including but not limited to faculty leaves for professional development.

  • The Humphrey Fry Memorial Fund

    Provides income to enhance faculty salaries.

  • The Albert H. Gordon Fund

    Established in 1994, provides income for faculty travel and study.

  • The Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund

    Established in 1994, provides income for faculty and curricular development.

  • The Arthur & Louis Heilbronn Faculty and Staff Fund

    Established in 1999, provides income for faculty.

  • The Stuart H. Johnson, III, Faculty Development Fund

    Established in 2007 to provide income to be used for expenses directly related to faculty development, such as salaries, living expenses, travel, and enrichment programs, as determined by the headmaster.

  • The Stuart Johnson Wellness Fund

    In 2020 this fund was established in honor of the faculty and staff, who devote themselves to our boys in a time of need.  The goal of the fund is to provide the faculty, staff, parents, and boys with services for emotional and social support, when and where they are most needed.
  • The Paul Klebnikov ’77 Memorial Fund

    Established in his memory in 2005, provides income for faculty travel and study.

  • The Magowan Fund

    In honor of Garrett McClung, established in 1987, provides income to enhance faculty salaries.

  • The S. Forde Medina, Jr., Faculty Fund

    Established in his memory in 1999.

  • The James Merrill Fund

    Established in his memory in 2009 by the Magowan brothers to provide income to enhance faculty salaries.

  • The Pollack Funds

    Established in 1984, provides income for faculty development.

  • The Henry Hope Reed, Jr., and Chauncey D. Stillman Fund

    Established in 2002 to enable teachers to engage in study and travel to deepen their knowledge of Western, Middle Eastern, African, Asian, and Central and South American civilizations.

  • The Siegfried Family Fund

    Established in 1987, provides income for faculty travel and study.

  • The Samuel S. Walker, Jr. Fund

    Established in 1992, provides income for faculty travel and study.

  • The Thomas B. Walker IV Fund

    Established in 2010 by Thomas B. Walker III, this fund provides income to enable faculty to study, travel, and enhance their understanding of different cultures and broaden their worldly experiences.

  • The R.I.W. Westgate Memorial Fund

    Established in 1989, and given in memory of the school’s second headmaster, provides income to supplement faculty compensation.

Funds for Programs

List of 12 items.

  • Art

    The Robert Lehman Art Fund

    Provides funds for generating the fine arts at St. Bernard’s.

    The Brodsky Family Foundation Music and Arts Fund
    Established by Megan and Thomas Brodsky in 2019, provides funds for instruction, materials, construction, faculty study, and special projects for the music, art, carpentry, and crafts programs.

  • Books

    The James D. Held Book Award Fund

    Established in his memory in 2003, provides funds for an annual book award for eighth and ninth graders.

  • General Purposes

    The Halberg Family Fund

    Originally established in 2002 as the Hannah C. Halberg Shakespeare Fund, the Halberg Family Fund, in honor of Herbert B. Halberg and Hannah C. Halberg, supports various aspects of the school's Shakespeare play, sponsors an annual Shakespeare lecturer as well as funds activities that enrich the boys' knowledge and understanding of the history, civic affairs and urban environment of New York City.

    The James Church Coggil Memorial Fund

    The Kempner Family Fund
    A discretionary fund established in 2006 for the board of trustees to allocate in each year’s budget.

    The Nolop STEM Fund
    The Nolop STEM Fund, in honor of Michael ’03 and Nathan ’05 Nolop, was established in 2016 to support the school’s educational programs related to science, technology, engineering, and math.

  • Junior School

    The Sarah Wright Atkins Memorial Fund

    Provides funds to enhance creativity in the Junior School, and to underwrite the publication of a third grade book of poetry.

  • Languages

    The Denis Caslon Latin Prize Fund

    Established in 2013 by Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Davison, II, provides funds for the seventh grade Latin prize.

  • Lectures

    The Kronengold Authors Fund
    Established in 2016, this fund was established by sixteen Old Boys to honor Susan Kronengold’s decades of dedication to St. Bernard's, and especially captures her ability to focus second graders on reading. 

    The Louis Bishop, III Fund
    Provides the honorarium for a natural history lecturer.

    The Urry Family Headmaster's Lecture Fund
    Established in 2010, this fund uses income to pay for the costs associated with funding an annual lecture.

  • Library

    The Billy Rose Theatre Book Fund
    Established in 1969 for the purchase and acquisition of books, periodicals, recordings, and tapes in the area of theater arts.

    The Susan T. Goldstone Library Fund
    Established in 2015 to provide support for technology and acquisitions. The fund was created in memory of Susan T. Goldstone, a dedicated library volunteer and beloved mother of two and grandmother of three, all Old Boys.
  • Music

    The Lowerre Family Fund for Music
    Provides funds for music instruction, concerts at the school, and repair of musical instruments.

    The Brodsky Family Foundation Music and Arts Fund
    Established by Megan and Thomas Brodsky in 2019, provides funds for instruction, materials, construction, faculty study, and special projects for the music, art, carpentry, and crafts programs.

  • Ninth Grade

    The Thomas H. Bolkcom Memorial Fund
    Established in 2001 to enhance the ninth grade students' year with cultural and travel opportunities.

  • Science

    The Michael Wallstein Science Fund
    Provides funds for science prizes.

    The Wagner Science Fund

  • Technology

    The Perkin Technology Fund
    The Perkin Technology Fund, established in 2016 by Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Davison, II, provides funds to support the technology program at St. Bernard's.

  • Theatre

    The Stephen Magowan Memorial Fund
    Established in his memory in 2003, provides funds designated to stimulate interest in the theater.